Minnesota FoodShare March 2025 Campaign – DONATE NOW

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Greetings volunteers and supporters,

It is the start of the annual Minnesota FoodShare’s March Campaign. This is the largest annual food and fund drive in the state and your best time to invest in healthy food support for families. It comes at a critical time for our food shelf as we overcome inflationary pressures and rising costs of operations. This campaign has sustained the Fruit of the Vine over our seventeen year history.

Minnesotans made nearly 9 million visits to food shelves in 2024

  • 2024 was another record year for food shelf visits in Minnesota.
  • Food assistance needs have dramatically increased from pre-pandemic levels.  
  • Hunger is a statewide issue impacting both urban and rural communities.  
  • Increased food prices and decreased SNAP benefits are driving rising need.  
  • The Fruit of the Vine food shelf has expanded services to meet the rising needs.

Every donation of money or food made to Fruit of the Vine Food Shelf Saint Paul during March will qualify us for matching grant money from the Greater Minneapolis Community Connections (GMCC), stretching your donation dollars even further.

Our goal is to raise $25,000 and 25,000 pounds of food during the month.

Last year our food shelf provided 588,527 pounds of groceries to 7,469 households or 25,158 people (duplicated).

This drive will help us re-supply our food shelves and meet our on-going operating costs. It will also prepare us for the high demand in the summer months when children are out of school.

Here are ways to help:

  • Donate at www.vcsmn.org/donate by clicking here. Our access to discount and bulk food programs from Second Harvest Heartland turns every dollar you donate into ten dollars of purchasing power.
  • Run a food or fund drive for the Fruit of the Vine during the month of March (up to April 9th) by clicking here for instructions, you can also call (952) 595-5980 ext 111 and we can talk with us.
  • Tell your family, friends, neighbors and coworkers about the March Campaign and the Fruit of the Vine Food Shelves!

Thank you! Your participation in the March Campaign will help ensure our neighbors have access to the healthy food and support they need to succeed.

Categories: Uncategorized


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