Spring Spree – Save the date March 16th
You will not want to miss the upcoming Spring Spree fund raising event to benefit the Fruit of the Vine Food Shelf.
With locations in both Burnsville and Saint Paul, the food shelf is making a huge impact against food insecurity!

This year’s Spring Spree will feature Chef David Aguilera and his team of culinary experts. Dinner testing and sampling is on-going 🙂
The event is planned to start at 5:30pm on Saturday March 16th at the South Metro Vineyard Church facility. The silent auction will be located in the lobby with dinner and entertainment in the auditorium.
The event organizing team is looking for sponsors in several packages labeled, Elite, Premier and Partner programs. The Silent Auction cannot be successful without the participation of our local business communities. Please donate your goods or services by contacting us by clicking here.
Advance tickets can be purchased in advance by clicking here tickets are $25 each or, $175 for a table of eight.
Please call us at 952-595-5980 ext 111 to setup your sponsorship or arrange for an auction donation.