Fresh Produce Summer Distribution Saint Paul

This summer the Fruit of the Vine Saint Paul and La Vina de Saint Paul will be distributing farm fresh produce to our communities on the second and fourth Fridays of each month starting in July and ending in October. Here’s the planned schedule and remember all distributions are from 4pm to 6pm:
July 13th and 27th
August 10th and 24th
September 14th and 28th
October 12th and 26th
The distribution will be setup in the First Covenant Church of Saint Paul’s parking lot (1280 Arcade Street, Saint Paul) on the community garden’s side. Our neighbors for the distribution need to bring a bag or produce carrying box. You will need to register then go down the line and select your produce items with assistance from one of our great volunteers!
If you are interested in volunteering please contact our volunteer coordinator at [email protected] or (952) 595-5980 ext 207. Find us on facebook at and join the community by “Liking” us.