Food Shelf

Helping Neighbors Get Through Tough Times

Individuals and families turning to the Fruit of the Vine Food Shelf often come in crisis and stay to build stability. Sudden issues like job or transportation loss or medical crises cause food and/or housing insecurity, which all weaken the stability of a household.

The Fruit of the Vine Food Shelf offers basic needs support, and crisis and resource assistance. These services are designed to relieve immediate stress for low-income neighbors while also helping them build a more stable foundation for their future. Services are provided form our East Saint Paul location.

Details on our Fruit of the Vine Food Shelf can be found below.

Fruit of the Vine is such a blessing to my family.
God bless you for being so dedicated and caring. 
I wish you a very Merry Christmas!
May God's peace be with you through this busy season.

Fruit of the Vine Saint Paul

Fruit of the Vine Food Shelf (FOTV) is located at 1280 Arcade Street, Saint Paul MN 55106, inside First Covenant Church. Our food shelf is open at the following times each week:

  • Tuesdays, 3 pm to 6 pm
  • Friday, 11 am to 1 pm (crisis appointment orders)
  • Saturdays, 9 am to noon

FOTV is a partnership with the ministries of La Iglesia, Saint Paul Church, and Family Values For Life.

It is the desire of every volunteer of FOTV that you feel safe and blessed. We think of you as our neighbor and use that term in our communications.

We know that going someplace new can be confusing and hard, and the decision to visit a food shelf may be an even more difficult new thing to do. This article will help you to know what to expect.

As you enter the building, you will use the doors to the left of the main entrance; look for the sign, it will make everything clear. Upon entering, you will be welcomed by a friendly Welcome Volunteer and receive everything you might need for a safe visit. Masks are available but optional at this time. Hand sanitizer is available upon entrance and in several locations on the food shelf.

The Welcome Volunteer will give you a number so that we can help you in the order you arrive and ask if it is your first visit to the food shelf. For your first visit we ask you to fill out a short Intake Form and the Welcome Volunteer will give you that as well. This form asks for your name, address, birthdate, and the names and birthdates of each member of your family. This information is optional and is not required for you to receive assistance. If using the form, please print very neatly to speed up the process and enable intake volunteers to enter your information correctly. The Welcome greeter will also provide our new Neighbor with the The Emergency Food Assistance Program Eligibility (TEFAP) and Privacy Policy document.

You will be directed to enter the Community Room where you can sit, fill out your form, and wait for the Host Volunteer to call your number. We do have a max occupancy in the room and once that is met we form a line down the hallway.

You might hear music, there might be a video playing, you may see volunteers having friendly conversations with neighbors, and you may enter a conversation of your own. Once your number is called by the Host Volunteer, you can make your way to the indicated Intake Volunteer where they will enter your order in our computer system. They will ask for your intake and signed TEFAP forms. Because this is your first visit, it will take a few extra minutes for our Intake Volunteer to enter your information into our computer system. In subsequent visits the intake process is much shorter.

When we are done entering in your information and ensuring a signed copy of the TEFAP form is received, we will print a copy of your order sheet, then you will make your way to the food shelf entrance. Our food shelf has a limited number of people that can shop at once. Depending upon the occupancy of the food shelf you might go right in, or have a brief wait at the door. Once in, you will be provided with a shopping cart and introduced to a Co-shopper volunteer. Your Co-Shopper will instruct you from there. When you have made your way to the checkout station we will weigh and complete your order.

If we have enough volunteers, you will get the courtesy of having your groceries put in your car for you. If we don’t have enough volunteers, then we ask that you take your own groceries out to your car and then bring the cart back in so it can be used for the next neighbor.

We hope your experience with us be uplifting and full of grace and love. If you have any further questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to text or call us at 952-595-5980.

We are open most Tuesdays and Saturdays, but we do close for some holidays. View our planned holiday closings here. We close sometimes due to bad weather. We use social media to announce any closings because it is the easiest and fastest way to get the word out. Please LIKE or FRIEND or FOLLOW us on Facebook or Instagram to stay up to date with everything going on with the food shelf.

If there is one thing you could do for us it would be to share our posts and events on your social media so that others can find out about us and we can help more neighbors in need.

Intake Form

TEFAP/Eligibility (English)

FOTV Closure Dates 2025

If you have any questions about these services, please contact us.